
Date Lecture Readings and additional material
01/27/20 Lecture 1: Introduction I: Euclidean algorithm, Fibonacci numbers and computational problems classification. CLRS 3.2, CRLS 31.2, Fast Fibonacci calculation, P and NP, Online C compiler
01/29/20 Lecture 2: Introduction II: Insertion sort, asymptotic notation and mergesort. CLRS 2, CRLS 3, Bottom-up mergesort C code
02/03/20 Lecture 3: Divide and conquer I: Maximum subarray, substitution method and master theorem. CLRS 4.1, CRLS 4.3, CLRS 4.5, Recursive mergesort C code
02/05/20 Lecture 4: Divide and conquer II: Multiplication of integers (Karatsuba) and matrices (Strassen). CLRS 4.2, Notes on Karatsuba algorithm
02/10/20 Lecture 5: Divide and conquer III: Order statistics in linear time. CLRS 9.3, Notes on linear-time selection
02/12/20 Lecture 6: Randomized algorithms I: Quicksort. CLRS 7, Notes on Quicksort analysis
02/17/20 Lecture 7: Randomized algorithms II: Balanced allocation (balls and bins), polynomial identity verification (Schwartz–Zippel) and matrix product verification (Freivald). CLRS 5.4.1, Balls and bins analysis, Schwartz–Zippel lemma, Freivalds’ algorithm
02/19/20 Lecture 8: Randomized algorithms III: Minimum cuts (Karger) and set balancing (Chernoff bounds). CLRS 5.4.2, Randomized minimum cuts, Set balancing and Chernoff bounds
02/24/20 Lecture 9: Dynamic programming I: Rod cutting. CLRS 15.1
02/26/20 Lecture 10: Dynamic programming II: Longest common subsequence. Notes on longest common subsequence
03/02/20 Lecture 11: Dynamic programming III: Matrix chain multiplication and segmented least squares. CLRS 15.2, Notes on segmented least squares
03/04/20 Lecture 12: Greedy algorithms I: Activity selection and fractional knapsack. CLRS 16.1, Notes on fractional knapsack
03/06/20 Lecture 13: Greedy algorithms II: Set cover and minimum spanning trees. Notes on set cover, Notes on minimum spanning trees
03/30/20 Lecture 14: Basic data structures I: Stacks, Queues, Linked Lists. CLRS 10
04/01/20 Lecture 15: Basic data structures II: Universal hashing. CLRS 11
04/06/20 Lecture 16: Basic data structures III: Open addressing. CLRS 11
04/08/20 Lecture 17: Search trees I: Binary search trees. CLRS 12
04/13/20 Lecture 18: Search trees II: Red-black trees (insertion). CLRS 13, Notes on red-black trees by Lyn Turbak
04/15/20 Lecture 19: Search trees III: Red-black trees (deletion). CLRS 13, Notes on red-black trees by Lyn Turbak
04/20/20 Lecture 20: Graph Algorithms I: Breadth first search. CLRS 22.2
04/22/20 Lecture 21: Graph Algorithms II: Dijskta’s algorithm. CLRS 24.3
04/27/20 Lecture 22: NP-completeness I: Definitions CLRS 34
04/29/20 Lecture 23: NP-completeness II: Reductions CLRS 34
05/04/20 Lecture 24: Special Topics I: FFT algorithm  
05/06/20 Lecture 25: Special Topics II: Aproximation algorithms  
05/11/20 Lecture 26: Discussion on the final